Hemorrhoids Treatment: Why visit a GI Surgeon for Piles Problem?

Piles are a collection of tissues and nerves in and around the anus and rectum that get inflamed and swollen to cause pain, discomfort, and itchiness. According to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India has an estimated 40,723,288 patients with hemorrhoids. Every year, 10 lac or 1 million new cases of piles are reported in India. The alarming concern is that a growing number of teenagers and young adults are troubled by hemorrhoids, and there is an urgent need to address the problem.

Although piles or hemorrhoids are more common in India today, it does not mean it is normal for the human body. Let’s find out more about hemorrhoids and understand how to fight the disease and lead a healthy life.

Why Piles Occur? What are the Causes of Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a common problem among the elderly population and obese. Often, females experience piles during pregnancy due to the additional pressure on the anal veins. When severe abdominal pressure causes the veins in the anus and rectum to become inflamed, it can lead to irritation, discomfort, and difficulty in movements such as walking, sitting, sneezing, coughing, or even holding your breath.

Diet plays a significant role in the occurrence of piles and hemorrhoids. Often, the urban Indian population reports a higher number of cases than the rural population due to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity, inadequate intake of high-fiber food and fluids, or stress are a few reasons that cause constipation and lead to complications of hemorrhoids. Remember that the more you strain over the toilet, the higher are your chances of getting swollen and inflamed veins (piles).

Why do Hemorrhoids Itch?

Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum, under the mucous membranes. And, external hemorrhoids are found just under the skin surrounding the anal region. Usually, internal hemorrhoids do not cause itchiness and discomfort. External hemorrhoids cause itchiness to the patient. However, if internal ones become enlarged and prolapse until they protrude out of the anus, they can also cause problems to the patient.

When an internal hemorrhoid prolapses, it brings along the mucus that irritates the sensitive skin and causes itching. There are other reasons for the uncomfortable itching associated with piles:

a) Inflammation – One of the main reasons why hemorrhoids itch is the inflammation of the tissue. As hemorrhoids contain a lot of fluid and pus, the skin stretches intensely and causes itchiness.

b) Skin Abrasions – Often, patients suffering from piles find difficulty in standing for long periods or walking. The excess rubbing of the skin in the region can cause flareups of hemorrhoids and lead to skin abrasions.

c) Bowel Movements – When a patient is suffering from piles, the simple procedure of passing stools can become an excruciating experience and inflame the hemorrhoids even more. It can lead to itchiness and discomfort.

Why do Piles keep coming back? How to prevent Recurring Hemorrhoids?

Recurring piles is a common phenomenon. Hemorrhoids are nothing but inflammation of the tissue. And, when the veins become inflamed or swollen, piles will keep coming back. The best way to avoid reoccurrences of piles is to use the following tips:

a) Include more fiber in your diet. Opt for fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and home-cooked meals that help with regular bowel movements.

b) Dehydration can cause constipation and lead to straining while passing bowels. So, drink plenty of fluids.

c) Include physical activity in your routine to ensure easy digestion.

d) Do not take suppositories or laxatives without consulting a medical professional. Often, they can lead to diarrhea and worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why consult a Surgical Gastroenterologist for Piles and Hemorrhoid Treatment?

Often patients resort to home remedies such as applying aloe vera or green tea bags on the affected region and taking a sitz bath. Although home remedies and OTC hemorrhoids cream may provide temporary relief to the patient, visit a specialist doctor for accurate diagnosis and long-term pain relief.

Sometimes, itchiness and pain while passing stools may not be due to piles but a symptom of something more serious. A GI surgeon is an experienced medical professional in the field of colorectal and anorectal disorders. They have the expertise in treating complications related to hemorrhoids such as excessive bleeding, loss of control over bowel movements, thrombosed hemorrhoids, abscess, anal fistula, necrosis, etc.

With a thorough examination and diagnostic tests including, Digital Rectal Examination (DRE), colonoscopy, etc., they will be able to find out whether the problem is hemorrhoids or there is another reason for your discomfort. The surgeon will suggest medication and surgery depending on the patient’s condition and the complexity of the disease.

A GI surgeon is experienced in piles surgery and hemorrhoid treatment. They may use a rubber band ligation technique to block the blood supply to hemorrhoids, sclerotherapy to shrink the inflamed tissue, or a hemorrhoidectomy for surgical removal of the hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid symptoms may come and go. And, if you are suffering from recurring piles, medical intervention is necessary to treat the anorectal disease. Nothing works like a doctor-administered treatment in ensuring a lasting solution to the hemorrhoid problem.

Natural Ways To Treat Liver Toxicity And Reduce Risk Of Cirrhosis Safely

Fatigue has become an integral part of our lives. Due to our hectic schedules, we all feel pressure to manage the work life balance. But are you sure the irritability is just because of a busy life or it is a sign of a poor health of your liver. A large number of liver problems and liver deficiencies affect the quality of our life without even knowing by us. Therefore, one must try natural ways to treat liver toxicity.

Varied imbalance and toxicities in the body gave birth to serious health problems like cirrhosis. Your concern to reduce risk of cirrhosis can be solved by Livoplus capsules, which are herbal supplements to gain liver health back. The role of the liver is to cleanse the body and remove all toxins and impurities from it. And, Livoplus capsules are the best natural supplements that ensure the liver is protected from damage and works efficiently.

What are signs of liver toxicity?

It’s very hard to tell which symptom is indicating the problem of liver toxicity. The best way to find out when to try natural ways to treat liver toxicity is when you experience multiple adverse conditions at the same time. A liver cleanse method with help of Livoplus capsules can ease the following symptoms of toxicity:

1. Chronic fatigue
2. Emotional instability
3. Feelings of despair
4. Wide mood swings
5. Problems in the digestive system
6. Swelling stomach after meals
7. Inability to lose weight.

Poor liver function leads to numerous debilities and disorders; therefore you should try natural ways to reduce risk of cirrhosis. Livoplus capsules are the best supplements that reduce the load on the liver and keep it free from the toxicity.

How effective are Livoplus capsules?

These capsules play a crucial role to improve the vitality of the liver. Demanded widely as the best natural ways to treat liver toxicity, Livoplus capsules are formulated from a perfect combination of Kantkari, Palihari, Kasmard, Arjun and Mandur Bhasma. These ingredients are specially selected to enhance liver functions, and its potency to reduce risk of cirrhosis is trusted since ancient times. A regular dosage of Livoplus capsules helps in revitalizing liver functions in multiple ways, such as:

1. Suppression of liver toxicity
2. Enhanced liver function
3. Reversed conditions of fatty liver
4. Suppress inflammation of liver
5. Curbed progression of cirrhosis
6. Check on alcoholic cirrhosis
7. Protection of liver from hepatic parenchyma
8. Enhanced fat metabolism
9. Improved health with enhanced sugar metabolism
10. Fight back with the ill-effects of jaundice, infections and liver enlargement.

The best part of Livoplus capsules is that the herbal supplement does not contradict with any other ongoing treatment and reduce risk of cirrhosis and help the liver to recover from hepatitis or alcoholism effects. Livoplus capsules are loaded with beneficial anti-oxidants that make them one of the best natural ways to treat liver toxicity. These pills are made from 100% natural ingredients and are fit to be used by men and women for a prolonged period of time.

How Public Relations Work and Why They Are Important

When someone is a public relations specialist, there are a lot of tasks they have to perform. Not only do they draft press releases, but they also build relationships with the media representatives that are most important. They need to have knowledge in the areas of what concerns consumers, public interest groups, employees and the community so that they can make and maintain successful working relationships.

Besides getting a company’s message to its audience, a public relations professional might be responsible for the making and running of programs that are meant to keep lines of communication open between companies and their audiences. They might have to schedule speaking engagements and write speeches.

The Importance of Public RelationsPublic relations works around a core concept of the fact that people will act based upon what they perceive to be facts. Public relations works to control, influence and manage peoples’ perceptions to hopefully start a set of behaviors that can lead to reaching an organization’s goals. When people in public relations successfully achieve changing, creating or reinforcing opinions by using persuasion their main goal is accomplished.

How Does it Work?
There are sets of rules that someone in public relations must follow for success. Most PR campaigns start with figuring out what the problem or challenge is. Then they begin to start achieving their goal. Once they create persuasive messages and use them to communicate key tactics, they are on their way to achieving this goal. As they go along, they will monitor the progress of the campaign and do any fine tuning that is necessary.

The public wants to hear a great story, so good PR will accomplish this. Of course, the better the story is the better the acceptance and response by the public will be. If the story is very appealing to potential customers, then you have succeeded in your public relations campaign.

The main thing is to get the word out about you and your company, plus your products or services to people who could be interested. Although public relations is only one part of your marketing tactics, it is a very integral part.